Monday, August 22, 2016

vegetable varieties

                  While in Hamburg recently I discovered zucchini can be bright yellow, as well as green. I couldn't resist and had to draw them in my sketchbook. I had already fallen in love with German vegetables, and started drawing a Kohlrabi, a kind of cabbage I first saw there. I never completed the sketch, but I like leaving unfinished parts, so here it is.


  1. Wonderful! I just bought kohlrabi the other day, hadn't had any in years. Perfection...

  2. Thank you, Kate. Do you have a good recipe?

  3. Thank you, Kate. Do you have a good recipe?

  4. Mostly I just use it in slaw or stews. It tastes rather like cabbage.

  5. The first zucchinis I grew myself were the bright yellow ones - I love them!


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