Friday, September 21, 2012

On the Oregon Coast

When I started drawing the sky was blue and the air filled with the barking of hundreds of California sea lions and a few low rumbles coming from Stellar's sea lions.  It hasn't rained for two months so the rocks are frosted with a summer's worth of bird droppings.  Most of the sea lions were hauled out on a beach in front of a larger rock .... but I really didn't want to try drawing that many critters, so I picked  a small rock with two Stellars and six cormorants.

I had my drawing inked and ready to add watercolor when suddenly the fog rolled in.  All too soon my little island was totally erased.  I could still hear all the birds and sea lions, but couldn't see even a suggestion of any rocks..... so I added the paint at home.


  1. How wonderful to view such an exciting scene Elva! We live miles from the coast and would really like to experience something like that! Lovely sketch, you captured it beautifully!

  2. This drawing made the scenery clear to visualize just like a real photo. Fabulous as always :)

  3. I LOVE cormorants...this is just beautiful, Elva. Can't believe you didn't get rain for two months in OREGON, though, wow! Does that happen often?

    1. Hi Kate ... virtually no rain for the summer is standard fare here. Our fields turn golden brown in late June and green up again in October when the rains come. The rains will be welcome. Too many forest fires burning.

    2. Somehow I thought Oregon was wet all the time!

    3. We tell the world that so they don't all move here.

  4. This is such a delightful sketch Elva. I love it. I can hear the squawking and barking and the waves. How eerie to hear all that and not be able to see it! Well done.

  5. My dream is to live on the Oregon Coast and you just refired the desire. What a beautiful painting.

  6. sooo zmazing, thanks for sharing, it is wonderful!
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  7. I too would love to live on the Oregon coast, but I'm in Roseburg too. I discovered your website by accident, looking on the nature sketchers page. Beautiful work!! The detail is amazing. I'm just beginning with my sketchbook, but I've been an art quilter for years and a photographer. Thanks for sharing, AMY


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