Friday, February 26, 2010

Our Hilltop Neighbor - Lin Frye

Our Hilltop Neighbor
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

Though the crocus are poking out of the ground, and in some neighborhoods, daffodils are popping up as well, snow flew yesterday -- flurries only, no accumulation - but the blustery winds and frigid temps reminded us once more, winter isn't ready to depart.

This painting was done from photos I took during our previous snowfall. I stood on our road and looked across the fence and through the trees to capture a bit of the farmhouse.

Yesterday's snow was beautiful - if short lived. The days are slowly growing longer, and I am certain this summer when we slog through 90F heat and humidity, we'll miss the crispness of such clean, bright air.

Still, it seems to have been a mighty long winter!

Stay warm!

Lin Frye
North Carolina


  1. A real beauty, Lin. The Carolina winter has been rough this year. You are making beautiful memories of this unusual weather.

  2. What a lovely reflection of the winter and this painting is beautiful. Between the painting and your words I feel as if I had experienced this setting myself. Wonderful!

  3. Lovely Lin! Your snow sketches really give us on this other side of the world a peek into your winters. Nice going.

  4. Such a serene setting! Sorry that your winter has been so tough...however, your snow sketches are just lovely!


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