Sunday, July 26, 2009

Queen Anne's Lace

Queen Anne's Lace
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice
Plein Air

This wonderful patch of Queen Anne's Lace was discovered when C and I took our long walk Friday night. Found along the side of the road and growing in the ditch area of the woodlands, the white blossoms stood out against all the grasses, small purple flowers, and just-starting-to-bloom goldenrod. What a cheerful sight!

Early yesterday morning, I took my sketching stool and, along with Boots, Blackie and Spot, settled myself off the road to paint these dancing flowers.
Even early morning showed signs of the heat to come for the rest of the day, but fortunately for me, it was shady enough to splash some paint. I was going after a more 'expressive' impression of these blossoms among all the grasses - as the whites of the florets showed against the deeper shade. A few cars stopped, the cats wanted a bit of attention, but the morning bird calls and quiet was quite wonderful.

Back at the house, I rendered the remaining cantaloupe into meringue tarts - not very flavorful - but a good quick treat if they're VERY cold. I'll bring the rest to work for the gang.

Ran some errands, watered more plants, and even managed a small nap. In my trip to town, I discovered a field of SUNFLOWERS IN BLOOM! WOW! The roadside was fairly busy, so after dinner, C and I drove back to the field for some photographs -- how I wish I could have painted there! But at least I've some reference photos and the memory of coming upon that field -- like being back in Italy! LOL

On our walk, we found quite a number of grapevines heavy with fruit - a sight we haven't seen in a number of years. Hickory trees were full of nuts, and even sumac trees were bending with their blooms. With all the abundant production of fruit this year, does this mean we'll have a really cold winter?

I hope to paint the grapes this morning, again before the heat sets in. I don't mind the hot temperatures, perse, but the humidity, often as high as our temperatures, really zaps my energy.

The sun is up already, and though the dew is still clinging to the grass, I'd better get moving ---

Have a great day! Stay cool!

Lin Frye
North Carolina


  1. You've done a beautiful job on a difficult subject - white flowers with lots of green stems and leaves and grasses! Also, your talk makes me want to visit your part of North Carolina (except for the heat, that is).

  2. Thank you so much! Ah, yes, the summer heat is rather difficult -- but for the springs and falls and mild winters -- heaven! Come on over!


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