Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Signs of the Season

Every year, spring and fall, my trees are full of migrating blackbirds.  Usually red-wings, but this time most seemed to be grackles.  They were feeding on the basswood berries high overhead, chattering, flitting from here to there, and then--flew off in a great flurry of black wings.


  1. Cathy, I love that I can open this blog and recognize your work without looking at your name! I've actually started doing that with several people on this site. Love your grackles! and particularly the angle!

  2. Wow, so beautiful!! Great job, Cathy. Your brush-strokes capture the grackle so perfectly! We get a lot of grackles in the fall as well.

  3. Thank you, Paula! They were far overhead, I was really craning my neck! And thank you Anna Grace!

  4. Gorgeous observations. Wonderful page! This is a wonderful time of year to watch the birds.

  5. Oh, this is yummy, Kate! Especially love the head view in the upper left. The blackbird migration can make it feel a lot like an Alfred Hitchcock moment... yes?

  6. Wow, gorgeous sketch Kate! I also just love the changing of the seasons - Spring here now and many birds have returned already, just awaiting the Red-chested Cuckoo (normally early-October), then the cycle is complete!

  7. Thanks all! Maree, can't wait to see your sketches. We have cuckoos here, though not that one, and we usually hear them rather than see them.

  8. I'm a fan of blackbirds even though they can be a nuisance. It always seems as though the red-wings are having a tea party in the tree tops when they first return.

    I love the boldness of this ... very suitable for grackles.

  9. Thank you, Elva! It's usually red-wings here, but I'm sure most of these were grackles. LOVE.

  10. I LOVE THIS PAGE ♥ I am always enchanted by blackbirds....beautiful.....

  11. Thanks, girl! I like blackbirds a lot, too.


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