Friday, June 24, 2011

Sandy Williams - More June Flowers

So, I've finally filled my first Sketching in Nature journal! I've had it beside me for a year and a half and now I'll be leaving it behind on a shelf while I continue on to my next journal and next nature adventures. It will be such a pleasure to look back through it from time to time and relive all those cold or hot or wet or dry days, all captured between its pages.


  1. Hi Sandy,

    Apparently flickr is acting up today and wouldn't let me leave a comment. As usual, your nature art is spectacular.

    I'm pretty sure the plants on the top of the first page are lilies of some kind - but don't know which particular ones.


  2. These are just glorious, Sandy, but ESPECIALLY the rhododendron. Wow...

  3. Stunning, Sandy! A book that keeps on giving for sure :).
    I've decided I really like it when artists include there name with the title. Thanks for continuing to do this :)

  4. Love the delicate lines... the pureness of color. Beautiful pieces capturing the wonders of nature.

  5. very lively, accurate, and elegant.


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