Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Viburnum - Snowball Bush - Lin Frye

Viburnum - Snowball Bush by linfrye
Viburnum - Snowball Bush, a photo by linfrye on Flickr.

1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP

The snowball viburnum on my property is in glorious full bloom! This large shrub/tree will grow 8'-10' tall and as wide, and this time of the year, be filled with TONS of non-melting, brilliantly white to cream, snow-ball-like blooms! The sight is breathtaking -- and I tried to capture it here. These viburnums will grow well in zones 5-8. I planted a second one in another area, and right now, it's merely 2 feet tall -- but I give it four years before it's rivaling it's cousin!

We've got 2 more days of rain and intermittant internet service. Our first tour for the spring has been cancelled with all the rain ...and there are still so many folks digging out of the messes and working through the losses from the tornadoes. This rain isn't helping much.

Lin Frye
North Carolina


  1. This is beautiful, Lin! I love your style very much!

  2. very delicately and beautifully painted! Glad you are well after the tornado. We are under tornado watch right now in VA. Very heavy winds and overcast sky. Hope thats all.


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