Saturday, May 8, 2010

Leaf Spread - Carolyn Pappas

5-7-2010, Leaf Spread

I have a certain moleskine that has been ongoing since 2005 and it is really irking me that I haven't finished it off yet. I never really enjoyed working in it, and I just want to get it finished so that I can move onto other sketchbooks that I like better. So this weekend I decided I am going to fill up the last ten or so pages quickly to get it over with. I went out into the garden yesterday and made these line drawings of some of the different leaves that can be found there. My family spends a lot of time working on our garden, and we even keep our garage heated all winter to keep our mini fig and orange trees alive. I guess being Greek and all, we like our patio to look like the Mediterranean even in Massachusetts.

1 comment:

  1. I totally love it! It looks so good it could be a wallpaper or a gift wrappingpaper or something. Wonderful :)


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