Thursday, March 25, 2010

Field in Oaktree - Maree

To dig in one's own earth, with one's own spade,
does life hold anything better?
- Beverly Nichols

About 10km from us, on the way to Kromdraai, lies the farming area of Oaktree, spreading across valleys and hills. Within kilometers are the world-renowned Sterkfontein Caves, from where the Magalies River originates, which surfaces at the eye on Maloney's Eye Farm near Magaliesburg.

I pass this gate quite often on my way to Clearwater Mall, some 40km away, always just catching a glimpse of what's on the other side as I drive by. The other day I stopped and peered over the gate, taking in the lands and the track leading to, the house maybe? I did a quick outline sketch and finished it off from memory when I got home.


  1. This is beautiful. It reminds me of the British countryside too!

  2. Ooooo Maree, this is a beauty. I get a feeling of sadness. Or maybe perhaps more wistful. Time of the long shadows, don't want the day to end, what's beyond the gate that there's no time to explore.

  3. Thank you Gillian, and I do love your village paintings on your blog.

  4. Thank you Pam! One day I WILL drive through the gate to see what it leads to!

  5. Thank you Crista, nice to have you visit again! Just loved your latest pics of the little cotton-ball birds!


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