Friday, March 26, 2010


I bought the new moleskin last year for something special. It was the biggest one so far and I was orginally excited to start it but then those big white pages just screamed for something special. So I never started it at all. This year as I get ready for the garden tour on April 10 &11 th I came up with the idea to do the whole moleskine in a 2010 Garden themed sketchbook. I am taking extra care with my sketches and enjoying the challenge of laying out these larger pages. But in all my efforts to be careful I miss spelled one of my titles , I left out a "u". Ahhh right there, big as life, painted in red is my glaring mistake. I always think, years from now someone will be looking through these thinking, poor, dumb artist couldn't spell! Anyway, this is my beautiful "ARBUTUS" or Strawberry tree. The bark is a beautiful rusty red with deep green leaves and pink berry like flowers, a wonderful bedding plant that can be trained into a small tree or hedged.  I even dried and then glued leaves onto the page.


  1. No they will think that the goddess of watercolors was human after all. Beautiful sketch and I bet not many people would notice the misspelling if you didn't point it out.

  2. This is gorgeous, misspelled name and all!!! I wonder if this is a relative of a madrona, which I hear is also called arbutus?

  3. Is this a larger moleskin that has watercolor pages, if so I'd love link to see where to get one...

  4. Beautiful painting, and great job on those leaves! When I misspell (too often it seems), I always think it's because my right brain is still engaged in artful experiences, not words. :)

  5. Beautiful, Desiree! I think Elizabeth is exactly right about spelling and our right brain.

  6. Lovely! The shading on the leaves and berries is wonderful.

  7. thank you so much for the nice comments, I found it at a quaint art store in Italy while on vacation last May. I don't even know if you can order them online from never see them on the website. It is big, double the size of the normal watercolor moleskine(8 x 11). It is really wonderful, this size is large enough for some nicer paintings. I sometimes get tired of the long horizontal format of the smaller moleskine.


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