Tuesday, December 29, 2009

il mio primo post...my first post!

questi gruccioni sostano nel mio giardino durante il periodo estivo...ora sono in africa!
this bird bee-eaters stay in my garden during summer. now are in africa!


  1. Welcome, Elisabetta, I'm so glad you were able to join us!

  2. Beautiful depiction of the European Bee Eater Elisabetta! We are seeing a lot of them here in South Africa now - The European Bee-eaters that breed in southern Europe and Asia migrate to west and South Africa. Another population of the same species breeds in South Africa and Namibia; these birds move northwards after breeding.Just a bit of info for you from my useless information bank!

  3. Welcome, Elisabetta. Just lovely subject and drawing. The bee is great.


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