Saturday, July 4, 2009

Echeveria Something Something

Of course I threw out the tag, like I usually do. "Oh I will remember", I tell myself. "No you won't", says the other self.
And here we are... none the wiser.

This painting in my journal started out as a more detailed painting but by the time I got back to it, my mood had changed and it turned into a looser painting. Oh well.


  1. Well, it works beautifully, loose, whatever it is! And yes, I know just what you mean, I often think my brain will return some bit of information to me that I used to possess...I'm still waiting...

  2. Hahaha...I do exactly the same thing (think I'll remember).

    The looseness and colors are wonderful!

  3. Thanks very much! And it doesn't help that the crows in my garden like to play mind-games with me. They pull out the tags and leave them all over so I can't remember which tomato plant is which. Rascals they are.

  4. Unlike SOME people, I save the plastic the pocket of whatever I'm wearing when I garden, or in my garden basket, or in the kitchen mail basket, in the laundry room where I drop my muddy shoes...are you getting the idea that there are little plastic tags ALL over Longears? Oh yes, I have saved every one! But just let me try to FIND one...well, I'm no wiser than you. Your plant and your painting are wonderful even incognito!


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