Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oxford Pond Abloom with Daisies

Daily Practice

Thank you all once more for your kind and most generous comments!

Our plein air yesterday was rather poorly attended -- but those who came, had a great time despite the high temperatures! We arrived at Howell Woods around 9 am. We boarded a nicely air-conditioned truck, and for the next hour toured the almost 3,000 acres! Ponds, sloughs, dense woodlands, swamps, fields -- all in Carolina's myriad greens and tans -- birds - orioles, egrets, herons, buntings, and more than I could name -- were all part of the trip.

We returned to the visitor's center to pick up our painting gear and/or head out to other sites to set up for the day. Since I was coordinating the event, I stayed close to the center and settled myself in the Native Plant Garden so I could check in anyone else who might have arrived late.

I began painting -- but the social aspects of the day seemed to take over (LOL) and so I didn't get to finish what I had started. Around 1 pm, the heat hit us hard, and most of us decided to call it a day.

So instead of my partial work, I've uploaded this sketch of the pond up the road from my home as I saw it a few weeks ago -- filled with daisies and wildflowers.

I'll be gone for a few days as Charles and I make our way to South Carolina to visit my daughter and our grands. Riley, now 5 months old, is on solid food and rolling over and gurgling her comments in that special baby tongue that is so tender to hear! We simply HAVE to see she and Taylor! (and of course their parents! LOL) -- they're growing so dang fast! Where does the time go?!

We'll be back before the weekend ends -- but I'm not sure how much painting I'll get done. We're scheduled for a blueberry picking and waterpark visit, special dinners and catching up ... The temperatures are supposed to climb to almost 100F (MERCY, it's not even AUGUST yet -- and THAT'S our hottest month!) - so we'll all be looking for ways to keep cool.

I hope your weekend is filled with fun and joy -- and that you too - stay cool!

Lin Frye
North Carolina


  1. How wonderful to see all of those birds, it sounds like a great outing. Your painting is lovely - I too find it hard to talk and paint at the same time...maybe it's a battle between the right and left brain, LOL.

  2. Very pretty Lin. It sounds quite the magical place.
    I can't believe how hot it is getting for you there. Send a little of that heat this way please!


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