Monday, May 18, 2009

Giant Puff Balls

Giant Puff Balls

I've only seen pictures of these in books . . . . until the recent rains. Then there were THREE of them in my yard, with a wonderfully rich, earthy smell. A type of gasteromycetes, the largest one measures 5 x 6" and was still growing larger with each new day. Until Bill mowed yesterday.

Wonder just how big they might have got?


  1. Oh, early for puffballs, around here! Did you try slicing them vertically to see if they had any sign of a stem, gills, etc.? At least the edible puffballs I watch for are usually late summer and fall fungi...

  2. Lovely!!! Did it go *pufffffffff* when he mowed over them?

  3. There was just a hint of a stem underneath but I didn't think to slice them open. The big one was HEAVY though! I'd never seen them around here before.

  4. Great studies! I like your sketch of three of them - it gives me a real feeling of being there. Those things are really big, ours are usually 1 or 2 inches in diameter.


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