Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rebeccas Flowers--Again

Rebeccas Flowers--Again
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

Rebecca's home is filled with such incredible flowers -- most glorious this time of year. Every imaginable color and style of iris can be found there -- along with roses -- knockouts, old-fashioned climbing, and more. This small bouquet graced her kitchen table this week, and so I painted it -- sketched and painted partly in the house, and last night as I sat in her garden guarding the new seedlings from her chickens, I brought the bouquet outdoors to finish painting. After such a frenzied day, that simple sitting among the clucking chickens and warm, pre-evening light, was the most peaceful, restorative time. Truly a blessing.

Today will be another overful day ... but tomorrow -- home and rest. It's misty-rainy outdoors ...and somewhat cooler.

Hope everyone's day is grand!

Lin Frye
Oxford, NC


  1. Sounds wonderful, Miss Lin...I love the sounds of chickens! Your painting is delightful...and rest well, my friend.

  2. What a bright and sunny way to start the day! Thanks for the colorful image...there is a rooster down the street from us and we love to hear him crowing, which he does every morning and then throughout the day. He is the only chicken on the block, and proud of it!

  3. Flowers AND chickens! What a lovely way to sit and sketch.
    Beautiful painting Lin. I like how you included some buds - "the before and after of the flowers".
    : )


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