Monday, April 13, 2009

Life spins by...

fading forsythia

...and I try to sketch all I can as it goes. One year I vowed to sketch all the wildflowers in our local Missouri Natural Area, Isley Park Woods. I think I managed two or three--must watch making those vows! Each year since, that's my stated intention, and each year I manage one or two. Eventually, I'll have them all!

So far, it's been rainy and cold since the flowers on the hill began opening, so today I brought in a spray of forsythia to the yard--practice, anyway!


  1. You should consider joining the Nature Blog Network. There are a number of nature/art blogs listed there.

  2. Love the liveliness in your forsythia....I know what you mean about trying to sketch them all. I did well with the snowdrops, violets, vinca, scilla and hellebore...and have so far missed out on the daffs and forsythia!

  3. Oh, cool, Pablo, what a great idea! I'll have to look for it. And Jeanette, I'm safe, my vinca isn't blooming yet, but I did forget to list violets.

  4. And omigosh, it only took me 8 or 9 tries to get a password and username they'd accept, Pablo! I was about to give up!


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