Monday, October 17, 2016

Owl Watching

Earlier this month I spent three nights in the Klamath Basin. We were fortunate to spend over three hours watching a great horned owl ... or maybe it was different owls in the same area.  All the sketches I did on location had to be in black and white because I forgot my paint!  Fortunately I had my beloved fountain pen and water soluble ink with me.  For more about my owl encounter and art I did at home afterwards, go to:


  1. Dear Elva love your drawings - your owl is beautiful. I have never had the opportunity to see one up close. So glad you shared. Have a great weekend.

  2. When I forget some paints, or other drawing tools, I find myself experimenting with what I have and sometimes it leads to happy surprises. I love your sketches, especially the first one! Thanks for sharing.


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