Sunday, September 2, 2012

A new guest in the garden --- Sandy Williams

It's always fun to be surprised one day by an entirely new, unexpected flower growing in the garden.  I first saw this one last year, poking its tall stalks up in our dog's spacious pen.  I didn't have a chance to sketch it then but I've been keeping my eye on it this summer and I kept it watered during our long drought.  It finally began opening its petals and I was able to look it up in "Wildflowers of the Great Lakes Region."  -- Wild Lettuce.


  1. Wow! That is cool! I am wondering if I will have a guest in my garden. It has been a long time since I had one.

    Loren @ eGardenSheds

  2. So good to see what's happening in your neck of the woods, Sandy. Beautifully done as always.

  3. Great reward for your patience and loving care! Beautifully captured!

  4. Lovely sketch Sandy. Isn't it amazing what we can see when we take the time to really look?


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