Friday, August 3, 2012


Thistle by Teri DC
Thistle, a photo by Teri DC on Flickr.

I saw this thistle on the edge of the yard while walking the dogs last evening and I thought it would make a good subject. Yikes, i knew these plants were deadly with their thorns but never realized just how bad they were until I sketched them. They remind me of cacti.


  1. Great job Teri. These are considered a invasive weed here. We have them all over along the back fields. They are wicked but can be so pretty too.

  2. You made it look painful to touch. Nice job.

  3. Very prickly .... just as it should be!

  4. I'm really enjoying your ink drawings! This is SO thistle...

  5. Another great ink sketch! I hope you sketched this one in place.

  6. Thanks everyone. Lots of nature to sketch lately and am loviing doing the ink work.


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