Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Lavoir de Mez Gouez

In my area of Brittany on the Cote de Granit Rose there are many lavoirs, places where a natural spring comes to the surface.  In the past these were used as places to wash clothes and some have structures built around them to make the work easier.  There are many more in the woods and valleys which are still quite wild.  This one near my home has a beautiful undergrowth of violets and oxalis followed by bluebells.

When I went there to draw the rocks there was a group of cyclists with a local guide who was telling them about the history of the area as well as some ghost stories.  I was welcomed in to listen as I drew and got some very kind comments afterwards!


  1. I love the second page very much much much

  2. Sounds like a lovely area. These are beautiful, Valerie!

  3. Valerie, how wonderful! Thank you for sharing this bit of history/life with us, from an area new to many of us. Beautiful sketches...

  4. Lovely sketches Valerie! and I'm fascinated by the idea of all the outdoor laundries. I can just imagine all the women of the village gathering there to wash and gossip. Thanks!


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