Sunday, June 17, 2012

I am going to "Plant Camp"!


I just wanted to share with you that I have been accepted into  "Plant Camp" this week. The 5 day workshop is an annual event of the Florida Invasive Plant Education Initiative – an outreach program designed for Florida educators. Both are made possible by the Invasive Plant Management Section of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in partnership with UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. I am super psyched about participating.  They were thrilled when they found out I was a botanical artist. They asked me if I would be interested in helping train the teachers to bring field sketching and drawing into the classroom. I immediately said "YES!!!!" I will also be doing a demonstration for the other participants on drawing leaves. Here is a painting that I just finished of a Brazilian orchid that has made its way into the USA and is considered to be invasive. If you want to learn more about the orchid, visit my blog. I just did a post about it. I will be bringing my sketch book with me and will hopefully be able to post some of my drawing and information about the workshop and how the teachers did with their new drawing skills!


  1. Beautiful painting and congratulations on this new venture .. look forward to more updates

  2. That's so exciting and wonderful! It's my dream to be able to sketch and watercolor in nature like you do!

  3. Wonderful news Mindy - seems like you are all settled into your new home of Florida - have fun! Smiles Linda\

  4. Congratulations! This is so exciting...and you've earned every bit of it!

  5. What a wonderful opportunity, both for you to grow and to help others.

    Your Yellow orchid is so pretty. Too bad it is invasive.

  6. Lovely painting! Look forward to more about "camp."


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