Sunday, September 4, 2011

Great blue Heron

A great blue heron perches on an old snag about thirty feet above the surface of a small pond. We parked to watch, sketch, and photograph and were treated to a variety of behaviors. Not only did he preen, but he coughed up a pellet and dropped his wings for several minutes in order to speed up the drying process. I assume he drenched his feathers while hunting.

For more about the heron go to my blog:


  1. I like your quick sketches. Sometimes Herons are difficult due to being so shy and fly away before a sketch is completed.

  2. What a wonderful blog! Your sketches are so delightful!

  3. A wonderful sighting... would have loved to perch there a few moments myself.

  4. Elva, these are beautifully observed! LOVE great blue herons, and it's so seldom I get a chance to get close enough...

  5. Terrific sketches Elva1 I especially like the one of him coughing up a pellet. You don't often see that.


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