Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hallo everybody! let me shortly introduce myself...

I was born in the last century in the countryside near the Fuchecchio's wetland (when pterodactyles were flying over the marches:-) and for the first eleven years I lived on the small hill of Montevettolini, nearby...
I learn from my father the rudiments of drawing, just been there and watching its job, breathing oil and turpentine...then I leaved for a new area and new interests....
But Nature remains in my...soul, fixed for ever...and so I am here with my sketch and photos, paintings, birdwatching and bird ringing and interest in conservation...will that be too much for me?....
Sandro (Alessandro Sacchetti)

Sometimes I have not enough time to draw directly in nature and I take photographs and then I do it at home...
Thank you to accept me in this blog, sketch in nature will be my ambition for the future!

Here some cormorants at Orbetello lagoons, taken long time ago......and this is a cormorant released from the Lipu recovery center in Capraia Island..


  1. Alessandro, we are DELIGHTED to have you with us! What a wonderfully international group.

    Your sketches and paintings are terrific...

  2. Alessandro, it is a pleasure to meet you, and your sketches are delightful!

  3. Hi Sandro!!!It' beautiful to find you here too!!! Ciao mari

  4. Your silhouette and the the gull is fantastic. I like your compositions as well.

  5. Welcome, Sandro! I look forward to seeing more!

  6. Welcome, Sandro. Love your commorants!

  7. Ciao Sandro, welcome on board!The italian group is growing...

  8. Welcome from me, too. Love the cormorant sketch. Look forward to seeing more.
    Paula in VA


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