Friday, October 15, 2010

Watercolour Hips ~ Sigrid Frensen

I finally managed to finish something again. And it was about time too. For the first time I painted rose hips with my watercolours. I already did hips in graphite, coloured pencils and even with pen & ink. But never watercolour. The Botanical Artists forum on Facebook has a bunch of very active and motivating members and when one starts to paint apples, we all start to paint apples. When one mentions she wants to paint hips I too want to paint hips.... It's fun though, to see all the different approaches to the same subject.

For the first time. And it was nice work. I really enjoyed doing it. I chose the tiny hips of Rosa 'Francis E. Lester'. This rose blooms with many clouds of small flowers during the summer and gets an enormous amount of orange hips in Autumn.

This is on Lanaquarelle HP, paper size 4"x 6".


  1. Hello. I think you did really well. I am just getting back into art after many years of absence. I think groups of like minded people can inspire each other. I joined a group of artists who meet say every 2 weeks or so and encourage and share their art. It's helped me to believe in my inner artist, and also to appreciate other people's art journeys

  2. 4" x 6" seems very small for the level of detail here. You must paint with a very tiny brush. I really like this painting.

  3. Thanks Kat. I think you are right. I can work very well on my own but in courses and in groups like the Facebook and Flickr groups it's also great fun.

    Johnnyburn ~ Thanks, I always work with a 3/0 brush. I paint almost everything with that.

  4. Really beautiful, luminous color, Sigrid!


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