Wednesday, October 27, 2010

empty larder

empty larder
Originally uploaded by vickylw
. . . on the trees, that is. The squirrels' larders must be busting to running over by now.

Bill tells me that it's a sign of a very cold winter ahead. He noticed that all the walnuts from the tree behind his wood shop have already been cleaned up by squirrels.


  1. Maybe location sensitive, even as close as we are! We walked in the woods yesterday and saw an incredible number of acorns--in one place the path was literally paved with them!

  2. How odd! I hope it's no sign at all of the coming winter.

  3. It is! Or maybe there aren't enough squirrels in that particular wood to keep up with the crop of acorns. It WAS huge this year...

  4. Lovely page! May we all have a light winter this year!


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