Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yellow Fields - Oxford Rural Roads - Lin Frye

9" x 12"
Arches 140#CP

We drove around the countryside yesterday taking in the cusp of fall - especially as this year's color has been so adversely affected by the drought. Still, the wildflowers bloom despite the lack of moisture, and the trees, sturdy symbols of strength, hang on to provide a wee bit of shade and a home to so much wildlife. This small painting is a bit of what we saw yesterday -- green turning to yellow, fields of daisies and wild grasses, the sun bright and hot.

Some of our farmers have left their tobacco in the fields while we saw plenty of other fields with rows upon rows of bare sticks indicating tobacco has already gone to market.

It was a quiet ride -- we avoided the bicycle race on some of these same county roads; we avoided the festivals going on in other towns; we avoided the bustle of more urban places.

For us, we simply enjoyed the ride, the 'being in the place' we love, the welcoming of a new season.

Today we will focus a bit on our own yellowing property--break out the garden hose, water those courageous surviving plants, and perhaps, if the weather remains cool this morning, sit on the porch and enjoy the birdsong.

Restoration of the spirit and soul ....

Have a great day.

Lin Frye
North Carolina


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