Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Summer - Lin Frye

It's Summer
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Happy First Day of Summer!

Already the days here are hot hotter and hottest! Mercy! Still, the flowers bloom in the fields, the birds give us their melodies, and the sun warms and tans us. Veggies grow larger, tomatoes and fruits ripen, days are long and vacation and leisure time beckons.

It's summer ....

My memories of childhood summers are of those long, languid days lying by the swimming pool, BBQ dinners, company every weekend, reading, playing ball, long walks, and endless days that seemed to stretch forever.

Summer days for grown-ups aren't always so restful .... for those who garden, this is the busiest time -- weeding, watering, harvesting, canning, freezing, drying in between the 'normal' demands of the work day ...

Still, when the weather gets so hot that the body just CAN'T move quickly, and one sits on the porch with a bowl of freshly made ice cream or ice cold watermelon, a soft, tender breeze dries the face, crickets chirp and fireflies light -- well, THAT'S darn good too ...

Summer --- may we all find a bit of our childhood leisure to enjoy it.

Lin Frye
North Carolina

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Lin, your sketch really portrays that heat you're talking about!


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