Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Day 2010 - Pam Johnson Brickell

May Day 2010
Originally uploaded by PJBee
A lovely day in the low country. I spied these blue-flag iris and had to stop and sketch them. The surprise was finding mock strawberries at my feet :) They were quite a good size and it puzzled me at the wild strawberries I'm used to were teeny.

My wildflower guide cleared up the mystery. These plants were actually introduced from India and are not part of the strawberry family. It goes onto say that the fruits appear edible but are actually flat and tasteless. I'm glad I didn't try one. I would have been really bummed.

I painted the flowers plein air then added the calligraphy at home.


  1. I love, love, love this. So soft and flowing and beautiful.

  2. I love our Linked Within to visit this again!

  3. I like the story about your wild strawberries along with the lovely sketches. On Whidbey Island, where I live, the wild strawberries are called woodland or sand strawberries. They grow wild in the forest and on the sandy beaches. I have several growing wild in my yard. These strawberries are very sweet with lots of flavor. I have to keep weeding them out of the flower beds since they will become very noxious. Last year I did a sketch of the small plants.


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