Friday, January 8, 2010

Orangish Goldfinch

Orangish Goldfinch
Originally uploaded by Cathy (Kate) Johnson

What an odd color on this male goldfinch! In other ways he's indistinguishable from the other finches at our feeder, but he has a decidedly orangish/rusty cast under his wings. Is this a local adaptation, or is he just a sport?

I've had albino chickadees, so I know stranger things can happen!


  1. Quite the dapper fellow! Hmmm, is there a shortage of females and he's determined to succeed? Interesting and great observation!

  2. I like your painting, Kate! I'm in the process of trying to learn to sketch birds and enjoy (and sometimes envy) the work of more experienced sketchers! I also like the mystery of your colorful fellow.

  3. Sometimes the food a bird eats can affect coloration. But this is an interesting observation in a goldfinch. Pretty sketch. I like the affect of the background shape and color.

  4. Thanks, all! Pam, you made me laugh! He IS mysterious, Debbie...

    And yes, Vickie! I thought about flamingos, but this was really odd in a goldfinch! Thanks for the kind words...


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