Sunday, January 31, 2010

Old stone wall on Spring Farm - Maree

God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease,
avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods.
But he cannot save them from fools.
- John Muir

As we drove to Magaliesburg on Christmas Eve, we took the short-cut through Spring Farm. As we passed this old fallen-down kraal wall, I stopped and did a quick outline of the scene, adding some colour with my watercolour pencils I had with me and finished it off once we were back home again.

This is a route we often use, avoiding the traffic on the main road, passing by cattle grazing peacefully next to the road, Warthog families scurrying into the undergrowth and sometimes even small buck hurrying across the road. Unlike many motorists, whom I have seen haring along these gravel roads, with nary a thought of the abundant wildlife they're a danger to, we drive slowly, taking in the scenery and enjoying all who cross our path.

Our term here on Mother Earth is short compared the insects and animals that have inhabited her for millions of years - doesn't it make sense to enjoy their presence and co-habit this planet with joy and peace?


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