Thursday, December 31, 2009

Once in a Blue Moon New Year's Eve - Pam Johnson Brickell

Once in a Blue Moon New Year's Eve 2009 It was a balmy 59 degrees this evening when I did this plein air watercolor of the Blue Moon. I even heard a few peepers!! They better hunker down as the temps are to plummet come Saturday.

Just a few clouds around the moon and a partial ring of yellow and red.

The eve's celebrations were starting. I heard the sound of far off fireworks at 7:30 pm!

Happy New Year one and all!


  1. This is gorgeous Pam! And it really was special seeing that moon last night!

  2. This is just lovely to see all the varieties of that moon. Love the partial rings in rich, prismatic color...

  3. Another amazing work of art by my talented aunt...the shades of blue & black are just beautiful...


  4. Moon was one of my Grandson's first words. Our family is mighty partial to the moon, we love looking at it through our small telescope. Just lovely painting.


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