Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Back Home in my Garden

After travelling around Europe for 5 weeks and struggling to sketch as the weather got colder... nothing is more special than coming home and enjoying a Saturday morning soaking up the warm spring Australian sun and looking around at what is happening in my garden. I am no gardener so my looking around is more from an aesthetic point of view than from any knowledge of species.

So here is the page that I did on Saturday - I overworked the first azalea sketch so I did another one and stuck it over the top - I try to never rip a page out of my sketchbook but I have no problem covering a mess up... it is all part of the experience.

My favourite trees are starting to lose their bark and I am just itching for an opportunity to go down the road again and sketch them as they transform from grey- pinky grey-yellow -to bright orangey red! So stay tuned....


  1. Nice page. Loooovve the cover-up theory :)

  2. SO beautiful. And yes, I've covered up some stinkers, too, this looks wonderful!


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