Wednesday, October 14, 2009


My holiday in Utah was fantastic, hot and fantastic. We camped in Cedar Breaks, Escalante, Bryce Canyon, Moab and Zion. All were more wonderful than the last. At one campsite, Goblin Valley State Park, my husband and I were packing up the tent for the next stage in the journey and there on the ground, right under the tent was this scorpion. I have no idea which one she/he might be as there seems to be quite a few species out there in the desert world. She was about two inches in length and very impressive. She scurried off to low growing scrub and tried to hide herself from prying eyes, but after too many repeated ( but very gentle nudges) with a twig, she flipped over and played dead. It worked, human attention span is limited and breakfast was more compelling than a scorpion playin' possum. When we looked later, she had gone. "Bah", she said, "tourists!"


  1. Neat sketch, but I'm not sure I would want it under my tent. You are brave also.

  2. Wonderful! I love your treatment of both model and background. Better under the tent than in it :)

  3. Beautiful sketch, love the colours. Here in South Africa we also find them in the house from time to time and I usually get them into a cup and then release them outside.

  4. Beautifully done! We have them here, too, mostly in southern MO...

  5. Great story and drawing. Judy


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