Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Taos Ravens 1

Taos Ravens 1
Originally uploaded by Ricky Holtman
I just love these big ole Ravens. They are gorgeous to me and when they squawk their throat feathers ruffle all up giving them such texture. The sooty carbon black does show some beautiful colors in the wings if you look close.
The mountains are full of these guys and I couldn't get enough....
This is just a quick ink brush drawing done while they were fighting on top of a dumpster. I swear some of guys were the size of an old buick! ahahaha.
Enjoy if you like quick brush sketches.


  1. I can almost hear them conversing... they are such entertaining birds to watch. I wish I was there watching right now. Great sketch too by the way!

  2. I love these big birds, too, Ricky, you really caught their gestures! I sketched a bunch of them at a rest stop between Vegas and LA once...

  3. There's something about Ravens that always make me happy. I love watching them. Nice sketches!

  4. You captured them! You have a wonderful hand with birds, too.

  5. Thanks to all of you and I do love birds and have been trying to find the Phoenix since a kid but haven't been very successful yet. If you see the Phoenix please notify me. haha


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