Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hydrangea and Roly-Poly

I never new this funny little name. And did not like many-legged gray creatures dwelling under flower pots. But my son brought me this with glowing face and told a lot about roly-poly and this is how I learned about this little Armadillidiidae - terrestrial crustacean living next to me ;)
Hydrangea and Roly-Poly


  1. I used to love roly-poly bugs! I agree with your son...

  2. Wonderful drawing - I love your use of color. And, I've always loved roly-polies...my kids think they are awesome...but it never occurred tome to look up the scientific name!

  3. That's part of what's so good about this blog, learning about tiny things like this we've taken for granted...

  4. A wonderful story to go with this great sketch! I like the mini-palette at the bottom showing the colors you painted with...like being part of the process.

  5. Oh, I do like these creatures actually. I learned that the mothers carry their babies around with them and look after them until they are grown up. How sweet is that?
    Beautiful nature page! Your colours and lines are wonderful.

  6. Omigosh, they really carry their babies!?


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