Sunday, May 3, 2009

A rock study for landscape painting

Here's another sketchbook page, a continuation of my recent rock studies. This group showed even more of the cool skylight on the side away from the sun. Rocks are wonderful "mirrors" of the landscape. Depending upon what they are close to, they reflect many different colors, from the warm soil of the ground to bright colored grasses and flowers. Close observation of a pile of rocks, even a neutral colored granite, will reveal that they are anything but drab when given the right lighting conditions and colorful companions.

I was also quite interested in the variety of soft and hard edges that can be seen in just one rock - good information for plein air painting.


  1. This kind of a study is very useful to fledgling sketchers like me. Thank you Karen for sharing this.

  2. Yep. I agree. Sometimes all it takes is a little pointer to cement in your brain what your eyes are seeing. Thanks Karen.

  3. It's amazing what depth of information is there if we just take some time to observe and record. Your rock study is a great example of this!


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