Thursday, May 28, 2009

Red Footed Booby Bird

Red Footed Booby Bird
Originally uploaded by Ricky Holtman
Moleskine of the this bird that is fantastic looking. It morphs in color until adulthood. The feet are bright red, body white with black outer mark and the bill is a beautiful pale blue. This is a sea bird and they get up to 2.5 feet tall. I thinkd they look very nice. Found on Eastern Island, Midway, ...and Hawaii. Which is where we took a photo of this guy/girl. They nest in shrubs and in this case an Ironwood tree in the National Park. Nest made out of big twigs for a big bird...enjoy. This is the biggest of the boobies. haha


  1. I love this drawing. I saw it on Flickr and now here... This is a great composition and the colours are delicious!!!

  2. Rick, how delightful! I knew of blue-footed boobies, but not this related bird...thank you for the education. That's part of what this site is for!

    And oh yes--beautiful sketch, too!

  3. Those arching branches are really something, also the way the bird is nestled in among them. Lovely and sensitive painting!

  4. Wow. I didn't know they got that big. Very cool painting Ricky.


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