Monday, April 20, 2009

Point Reyes Ranch

I just returned from the National Association of Interpretation's Regional Conference. This group of professionals interpret culture, history and nature for the average person. It is always inspiring to hang out with the park rangers and other interpreters who attend. One of the activities was a hike to look for elk at an historic ranch at Point Reyes north of San Francisco. We didn't see any elk on the hike, but I did have time to make a quick sketch of the ranch from the hill above the barn. Then we stopped at the dam that supplies water to the ranch and I sketched the alder trees at the water's edge. They were not as tall and straight as most of the alders I usually see. I think it must be windy where they are growing.


  1. Hi-ya, excellent pics, inspiring.

  2. Gay, what a perfect picture of habitat...wish I'd been there!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful conference; your images are so inviting, I just want to meander through those hills!

  4. I always love your spreads! Would you be willing to share your palette some time? I love your choice of hues and the way you mix your colors. I am beginner and trying to learn as much as possible. Thanks!

  5. I like your layering of distances and your subtle color palette. Sounds like it was a great day with beautiful scenes to enjoy. You've inspired me to get back out to a little pool nearby and paint the scene I've been putting off because I was a little unsure I could do it.

  6. Thanks for the comments all. Anytime any of you want to come to California I would be happy to go back with you to Point Reyes. Katy, I would be very willing to share my pallete. The only problem I have is I can't remember what colors I squeezed into my paint box. I will take a photo of the pallete and post it on my flickr site.
    Lisa, I'm sure you can do it.


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