Sunday, June 28, 2009

The ultimate recycler

Fallen nest, originally uploaded by Elizabeth Smith.

I found this nest in my yard after a thunderstorm; it’s a wonderful little construction of the most diverse bits of stuff. It contains twigs of all sorts and sizes, a grayish and thorny section of bougainvillea vine, russet-colored pine needles, twine, plastic ties, strips of dried palmetto leaves, a piece of green and white electrical wire, tawny grasses, part of a plastic grocery bag, flyaway sections of faded orange yard-trimming filaments, and a lovely dirt floor.

(To see this on my Flickr photostream, please click on the image.)

Elizabeth Smith ~ Naples, FL, USA


  1. Lovely sketch and I love all the details of what went into it!

  2. Love this sketch of that little nest. The shadows are very good! Wonderful work again Elizabeth :)

  3. It's wonderful, Elizabeth! I love seeing all the things birds make use of...and you've given it such a sense of dimension.

  4. Elizabeth it is always a joy to see your art work. In this I love the colors and tension I feel between the soft and hard, the warm and cool set up. Good job from my part of the planet.


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