Sunday, June 28, 2009

I finished my Honeybell today!!!

Honeybells ~ Nectaroscordum siculum

It took a while but now the drawing of my Honeybells is more or less finished. This evening I scanned the drawing in 3 parts and I merged them together in Photoshop. The stems need a bit more work but the rest is finished. I'm happy this is done because my next project (also a big one) has started to flower this week.

Oh, and PLEASE click on the image to open it in Flickr and then click on the link to view it large on white.


  1. It's gorgeous!! So wonderful to see how you progressed with this series, too. Thank you for showing us!

  2. This looks incredible! I especially love how you rendered the papery covering. So beautiful!

  3. Sigrid, it's a beautiful, beautiful progression...thank you for sharing with us!

  4. Truly amazing skills.
    And to see a flower in a progression like that is always a treat, like a dancer taking off her veils.

  5. I just love seeing your work Sigrid! Its wonderful. Linda


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