Friday, May 9, 2014

Warming the WoodCockles of their Hearts by Janet Gough

Janet, linguist, lexicographer, editor and translator, and my good friend, has felt inspired by my woodcocks to write a tongue-twisting, clever and engaging story. I have always found my woodcocks charming. But Janet not only sees two flirtatious woodcocks, she sees a few other birds as well. I call upon all ornithologists and bird lovers to identify Janet’s hidden birds. 

Warming the Woodcockles of their Hearts

“Alright, Hen?” said Mr WoodCock, with a distinctly Scottish brogue.
“Well, that one’s certainly a wee bitty woodCocksure,” thought Ms WoodCock to herself. “Still, at least he speaks the patter, not woodMockCockney.” Aloud, she said, “So, I expect you have some woodCock-and-Bullfinch story to tell me?”
Mr WoodCock woodCocked an eye at her. Ms WoodCock woodCocked an ear to hear what he had to say.
“They’ve got woodCock-a-leekie soup on at the woodCockles and woodCockatoos tonight,” he rejoined, going off at full woodCock. “And ye cannae woodCock a snook at that, can ye? Get yer glad rags on! We’re goin’ dancin’!”
Ms WoodCock preened a little. “WoodCock-a-doodle-do!” she exclaimed.
Strutting like a true woodCock-of-the-walk, Mr WoodCock, the wee woodCockscomb, crowed: “And they’ve got woodCocktails! We’ll dance till woodCockCrow!”
And so they did. And were woodCock-a-hoop, the whole night through.
Janet Gough
Janet is a freelance lexicographer, editor, and translator, based in Kirkintilloch, Scotland.
She can be contacted at and via her LinkedIn profile here.
Contact Janet for editing your blog posts and book scripts.



  1. Thanks for the story, I bet you were woodCocksure it would get some chuckles and smiles. Well, it did! :)

  2. What fun! Thank you, and LOVE your image as well.


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