Monday, January 13, 2014

Garlic - Lin Frye

Garlic by linfrye .
Garlic, a photo by linfrye . on Flickr.

Arches 140#CP

Winter for me is the season for nesting -- for hunkering down, resting, relaxing, staying a bit closer to home. Doing so also makes me appreciate once more the little things that say 'home' to me. It's also the time when I tend to focus on the small, everyday objects that make me smile. To that end, the still life is a wonderful study of these very items.

Often my winter kitchen is filled with the scent of warm, hearty meals - especially soups and pastas -- and what would either be without the benefit of tasty garlic. That humble bulb makes a wonderful study of shapes, tones and contrasts and is a perfect still life candidate.

I sketched this watercolor in two sizes - the larger to use in my next class as a demonstration, the other, this small one, to complete as my own practice. Lots of fun, and lots of reinforcing watercolor basics ... especially those promoted by Danny Gregory in "Everyday Matters" ... It really IS the little things that made each day matter.

Have a great week!

Lin Frye
North Carolina

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lin - your kitchen sounds delightful and your garlic painting inspires me to pull out some of the ordinary things in my kitchen as well. I sure hope you are having a great day.


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