Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Early Signs of Spring

The Redbuds started blooming 2 weeks early this year. The Red Maples and Yellow Jessamine started popping in late January and the other day I saw a Dogwood in bloom!

We've had a mild winter but goodness, what's the rush here?


  1. What a gorgeous page PJ! Nature also seems to be in a rush here, distinct signs of autumn and nippy mornings!

    1. Thanks, Maree! Interesting that the Southern Hemisphere is rushing, too..... Hmmmmm.

  2. This is such a great capture of the ethereal nature of the redbud PJ. Plants are rushing into bloom here in VA too. Strange weather--snow one day, 70 degrees F the next. Right now it's 73 in central VA--March came in like a lamb. Wonder what's in store?

    1. Thanks, Paula! Yes, it's been a flip flop winter. Right enough about March coming in like a lamb.... ut oh :)


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