Monday, March 1, 2010

Signs of Spring - Laura Gillis

Saturday was an absolutely perfect day weather-wise here... no wind, temperatures in the mid-sixities and this was the first weekend in a couple of months that I didn’t have to bring work home.

Everything seemed to be celebrating the sun and warm weather so I celebrated by bathing all four of the inside dogs, an event that made their day less than perfect. ha! After the baths, we all went outside -- the dogs running circles and playing while the Meadowlarks sang in the trees. It was so nice to get outside in the sunshine and sketch. After a while, the dogs got tuckered out and they stretched out in the grass and I stretched out in my chair and we all had a nice little nap in the sun.... I think it we can learn something from our dogs. They know how to relax and a short little nap stretched out in the sun is good for you!

It was just a lovely day.

Ink and watercolor on Hemp paper in the Nature Journal

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