Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Stag Beetle Visitor

Stag Beetle

This big guy wandered into the house under the back door last night, and captured the attention of two of our cats! Naturally, I rescued him and had to sketch him before I released him again...

The two pincers don't have much strength in them--he couldn't hurt you, but he WAS impressive, at about 1-1/2" long! When threatened, the male--which this was--rears up on his back legs and waves his pincers and antennae...pretty cool! He looked even larger like that, obviously his plan.

Family album

Happily, I had my Peterson's Field Guide to Beetles at hand and was able to ID him! The one I found was a bit longer and more streamlined than the one shown in the book, but the family resemblance was obvious...Family Lucanidae, I mean...


  1. great sketch documenting the beetles that come in danger on your house love all the info scribbled in the sketch

  2. Great story and sketch...He looks dangerous to me.

  3. JIKES, Kate!!! He certainly looks threatening! GOOD FOR YOU for rescuing him AND a beautiful painting!!!!!

  4. He sure WANTED to look dangerous, that's for sure.

  5. Wonderful portrait of your wanderer! I want to know how you tested the pincers?! I love how you show him in action, too.

  6. I'll admit, Elizabeth, I only tested with the end of a pencil! Isn't he interesting though?

  7. Wow. What a find. Lucky you!
    Great watercolour sketch...I like how you showed him sitting upright looking intimidating.

  8. It WAS a great find, what serendipity! Right here in my own kitchen. Glad I investigated what had caught my cats' attention!

  9. I have one at my house and it is mahogany red. I also have a quarter sized beetle that is orange with black dots, only it's not a lady bug...

  10. Beautiful drawing... I just found a simular beetle in my hair, I was really surprised when I randomly reached my hands into my hair and found that little guy.... I did a search with key words looking for something that would match what I just found and here it is!

  11. Anonymous, sounds like you need a field guide. And how cool, 5winds, glad you found us!


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