Monday, July 6, 2009

Meet the Correspondents - Alissa Duke

I live in Sydney, Australia in the inner city, within walking distance of the city, but there is plenty of nature nearby. I am also within walking distance of Sydney Harbour and belong to a local Landcare Group, working on regenerating some local areas of land with native plans. Sydney is also surrounded by National Parks, so I have plenty of source material.

I am a Librarian and I work as a Researcher, and I am not sure how that reflects on my drawing – investigative perhaps? I get so much enjoyment and relaxation from drawing. I am still on the journey of finding my personal drawing/ painting style and am tentatively exploring new mediums and methods.

I have been drawing since high school in graphite pencil, later adding coloured pencil. In the past year I have been introduced to watercolour pencils and waterbrush pens and they have opened up a whole new world to me. I am just finishing Cathy Johnsons watercolour pencil magic class and really enjoyed drawing the native birds and animals. A few of the drawings were immensely enjoyable to do, such as the magpie and wombats. I also enjoyed drawing the weeds and plants , but I was not so comfortable with the landscapes.

I have a flickr site . I draw in a Moleskine and use it for drawings of travel sketches, food, Everyday Matters and sketchcrawls. Since I bought a scanner and changed to broadband I have had the opportunity to share my work online. I have been inspired and motivated by other people. I am now drawing a few times a week and becoming a lot more confident. I would like to explore drawing nature a lot more and am honoured to be asked to be part of this group. Looking through the work of the correspondents is inspiring and slightly overwhelming . I look forward to showing you the nature of Australia as seen through my pencils.


  1. Hi Alissa! Welcome! Great to have you part of the team and even better to have someone that I sketch with!
    I love these two sketches so much!!!

  2. Great sketches, esp of the wombat - you made him furry and cute and yet very substantial (not to be cuddled!). Well done.

  3. So glad to have you with us, Alissa! I'll enjoy seeing your work on a more regular basis, it's been fun having you in the WC pencil class! I knew when I saw that wombat I couldn't wait to ask you to join us here...

  4. Welcome aboard Alissa. Your work is superb and a real joy to look at. I sure hope this Cathy Johnson person that trained you is a good artist......ahahahaha. Just joking....You couldn't have had a better mentor/teacher. Good luck on your long future in art. Ricky Holtman

  5. So nice to meet you "in person"! Your drawings are wonderful!

  6. Hi Alissa! Nice to meet you. I'm so glad you are part of the group. Your work is wonderful. I was telling my hubby about your wombat drawings yesterday and how amazing they are.

  7. Thank you all. I think I have set myself a high standard with that wombat !I will try and maintain it.


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