Wednesday, December 26, 2012

LOTS of sketching in nature lately...


  1. How gorgeous Kate! Those raccoons (? not sure, we don't have them here) are just too beautiful, as is the squirrel! Lovely!

    1. Yes, it's a baby raccoon, Maree, or at least a young one. And thank you both!

  2. I really enjoy these sketches. I can't even see that fast and then when I think I've really looked and start to draw- it's out of my memory. You must be very patient. I attempted to draw snow geese for the first time last week and watched them for hours...forgot that my car lights were on, killed the battery- and still the sketches were stiff and lifeless. I can tell you've had much experience seeing these from life and I admire your work.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I've spent a LOT of time doing this, throughout my life, so sometimes I can finish a very rough shape from memory or past knowledge. Not ready for a wildlife calendar, of course, and Robert Bateman would laugh at me, but I can usually suggest what it is I'm looking at.

  3. I love the loose life in these sketches! Good field sketching has a life to it that careful work can hardly capture .... and you are a master at it.

  4. I love your squirrels, Kate!!! I love the 'unfinished' look, too!! It's full of life!!

  5. Elva, I agree about catching the spark of life in a field sketch...and thank you both so much, I've got a long way to go, I think, but sometimes I'm quite pleased. My gray squirrel sketch was FUN.

  6. These are all so wonderful Kate. Looks just like my front yard. This morning I had a Flicker and a Red-bellied Woodpecker on the suet plus Cardinals, Jays, Finches, Juncos, Sparrows, Doves, Chickadees and squirrels. The squirrels were getting frustrated by all the birds and would rush at them, scattering them all momentarily. I love watching their antics.

  7. Thank you both! I really enjoy trying to capture them quickly, in my journal.


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