Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Gathering in the cold - Maree

Ink sketch and watercolour in DalerRowney 220gsm Nature Journal 

Freezing cold weather here in South Africa and on the way to Magaliesburg to buy some new art materials I was wondering why all these crows were gathering on the telephone lines. Maybe some carrion just out of sight behind the shrubs...? Or were they just basking in the sun for warmth? 



  1. Just a beautiful scene Maree and great observation.

    1. Thank you Teri! Crows always catch my attention, such wonderful birds!

  2. Maree, it is possible the crows are gathering on the wires to stay warm. If the insulation is starting to get old the current through the wires can put off a bit of heat that attracts birds.
    Love your paintings, it gives me a view of a place I have not seen, yet!

    1. Thanks a lot Unknown, great to hear you like my paintings and glad to take you on a trip through South Africa!


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