Friday, April 6, 2012

3D scketch (again...)

 Do you think we can consider this one as a scketch? As with pencil I began to mold plastiline directly without any preparative and than I added some materials as drawing and something will be taken away;  I am very enjoied for this job and I get money too!
They are part of a project made for blind people (or partially sighted) and I am really very happy to partecipate...

 Finished, ready for the mould
 Finished, ready for the mould


  1. Beautifully sculpted/sketched.
    Stay inspired!

  2. These are just fascinating, Sandro! And yes, I think we can call them sketches!

  3. nice, Sandro! drawings for the hands to see...

  4. What a great way to sketch! They're really wonderful!


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