
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter Visitors

It's that time again...when the snowbirds, avian and human, head south for the winter!  This year has been so mild that we'd only seen a few juncos, but now that it's finally icy, we had a flock of them.  Last year it was a month earlier, at least, as I see in this POST.

I always love watching them against the snowy path, mining for seeds...

And I ALWAYS seem to misspell the plural of juncos...


  1. Cool and fresh--I like this very much!

  2. Thank you! I loved their fat, fluffy shapes.

  3. I love these little birds... and a beautiful sketch!

  4. You've captured so much personality in these sketches. Lovely!

  5. Lovely sketchbook page. You got the color just right. And I love the way you just let the mispell be! Not your everyday word, anyway.

  6. Thanks so much, all...hey, maybe it's like tomatos/tomatoes, eh? :-D

  7. Beautiful Kate! Your sketch really feels cold but the birds look warm. You're a magician!

  8. Love this! I miss seeing Juncos even though when they arrived at our feeders it meant cold was arriving. They are such cute, plump birds. Great capture! Love your calligraphic hand, too :)

  9. Lovely sketch. Over here in the UK we have a Dark-eyed Junco that has flown off course and is settling in the New Forest which is located near Southampton on the south coast. It has attracted lots of attention from local birdwatchers!

  10. delightful, also in the comment. superb graphics.

  11. delightful, also in the comment. superb graphics.

  12. Never mind the spelling, your lettering is lovely! And of course the "juncos" are charming in your sketch as they are in life. Our winter has been too mild for them so far, but I imagine we'll be seeing more of them soon!

  13. You captured their essence wonderfully. I love how you conveyed the snow and the way the birds seem to bounce around on the page.


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